


I want to help kids with problems that I have struggled with in the past, 希望能让他们的生活更美好. ... Beyond that, I don’t know how my life will turn out. I can only hope that I am successful, and that I make a small difference in the world.


当Tracy Kipfstuhl, ’90, 在找大学吗, her mother set a limit: She had to choose a school that was no more than 2 hours away from their Cleveland home. Two older sisters went east, to Walsh and Mount Union. But Tracy wanted to be different, maybe even a little defiant. So she went the opposite direction to the school that was two hours to the west and landed at Heidelberg.


Within the many facets of the university, Greek life has been the most influential. I am a member of Sigma Tau Nu, a men’s fraternity founded in 1949. 我是在2015年秋天加入这个小组的, 我必须说, it’s one of the best decisions I’ve made while at The Berg.


My favorite part of the community here is that everyone knows each other and it’s very inclusive. I remember when President (Rob) Huntington greeted me by my name I was shooketh because that is something I would never experience back in Malaysia.


My dad joined the Marine Corps before I was born so the military lifestyle is all I’ve ever known, but I wouldn’t have wanted to grow up any other way.

黛娜·威尔曼 '89

她在nba下注音乐学院学习期间, 黛娜·威尔曼, ’89, was placed at Seneca East Schools for her student teaching. Little did she know then that Seneca East would become her permanent professional home


The end of the spring season in 2015 was the most memorable time so far. 主办OAC垒球锦标赛, the OAC baseball tournament and the NCAA Softball Super-Regional in consecutive weekends was a whirlwind.


Speaking at events like Opening Convocation and HYPE has allowed me to achieve a level of confidence that I had never dreamed possible.


I went to Tianjin, China, for the whole month of June 2017. Working with students whose primary language is not English definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone. Because of that, I feel like I have grown professionally as a future teacher.


Knowing that I am a part of such a ground-breaking and spirited group on campus brings joy to my heart and I know that the music traditions I am forming will stay for decades to come.


During my first day at Heidelberg, I believe I taught my "Teaching of Writing" course. I'd taught it before at another university but had always had more than 20 students in the course. 在nba下注,有七个学生. I enjoyed being able to check in with each individual in the room and get to know them and check that they understood the expectations for the following meeting.


关于它何时开始可能会有争论, but there’s no denying the spark in the eyes of soon-to-be newlyweds and long-time ‘Berg supporters Donna (Fischer) Overholt ’57 and Larry Clausing ’59


能够和nba下注的nba下注一起工作真的很有趣. Seeing them come back to campus at any time or at an event around the state and country is wonderful. We are family no matter when we graduated, whether last year or 1935.


I chose Heidelberg because this was the only school that would allow me to do everything I wanted to do. 我可以做我喜欢的运动, 学习我想要的, 有社交生活, and be involved on campus all at the same time without having to sacrifice anything.

Dr. 迈克尔Weisend

迈克·魏森德访问nba下注期间, he was searching for an elusive biology professor as he contemplated a major in physics or biology. 那位无处可寻的教授. Bob Murray, was eventually located in a dark room, singing and strumming his guitar with students. "From that moment, I knew this was the place I wanted to be. That was the way I hoped I could interact with faculty. It was so cool," said Weisend, ’87, now a renowned neuroscientist. 民歌生物学教授, 现在退休的教职员偶像, 可能是催化剂, but there was much more that Weisend discovered at Heidelberg. ,遇到, 虽然, did set the stage for four productive undergrad years that led to master’s and doctoral degrees in behavioral neuroscience from the University of New Mexico.


“Sweet Alma 首页” is a little bit sweeter this time of year. “每天至少一次, I think about the words or I sing it or listen to it, 所以它是我生命的一部分,艾德说。, who returned to campus for nba下注 Weekend to again organize and conduct the nba下注 Choir. 在过去的20多年里, a collection of former Concert Choir members has relived their glory days by performing at the annual nba下注 Weekend luncheon. Early on, the draw was the chance to once again sing for the legendary Dr. 摩天哦!. Ed understands that; he was among those singers. He also understands that he now stands where a giant of Heidelberg music once stood, 这不仅让我感到谦卑,而且是一种巨大的荣誉.